

Complete Part 5 if you have mineral production withholding or pass-through entity withholding.

1. Utah Income Tax Withheld
Enter the total from TC-40W, Part 1.

Complete TC-40W, Part 1, listing each W-2 and 1099 with Utah withholding tax. If you have more than four withholding forms, use additional TC-40Ws.

See instructions for TC-40W on page 28.

2. Mineral Production Withholding Tax Credit
(UC §59-6-102(3))
Enter the total from TC-40W, Part 2.
Complete TC-40W, Part 2 if you are claiming credit for Utah mineral production withholding tax.

The mineral production company on form TC-675R must provide the following information to you:

  1. the company’s federal employer identification number (EIN)
  2. the company’s Utah mineral production withholding account number, and
  3. your share of the mineral production withholding tax.

Keep all TC-675Rs and Utah Schedule K-1(s) with your records. Do not attach them to your return. Processing will be delayed, and we may reject your mineral production withholding credit if you do not complete TC-40W, Part 2 with all required information.

See instructions for TC-40W, Part 2 on page 29.

3. Pass-through Entity Withholding Tax Credit
(UC §59-10-1103)
Enter the total from TC-40W, Part 3.

Complete TC-40W, Part 3 if you are claiming credit for any Utah income tax withheld or paid on your behalf by a pass-through entity (partnership, LLC, LLP, S corporation or trust) to which you belong.

Keep Utah Schedule K-1 and all other related documents with your records. Do not attach them to your return. Processing will be delayed, and we may reject your withholding credit if you do not complete TC-40W, Part 3 with all required information.

See instructions for TC-40W, Part 3 on page 29.

Add the amounts and enter the total here and on TC-40, page 2, line 33.

Keep withholding forms with your records. Do not attach them to your return. Processing will be delayed and we may reject your withholding credit if you do not complete form TC-40W with all required information.

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