Information About Tax Credits

Apportionable Nonrefundable Credits

Apportionable nonrefundable credits can reduce your income tax to zero, but any credit greater than the tax will not be refunded.

Enter the following apportionable nonrefundable credits (credits that must be apportioned for nonresidents and part-year residents) that apply. Attach TC-40A to your return.

Write the code and amount of each apportionable nonrefundable credit in Part 3. Add the amounts and carry the total to TC-40, line 24.

Codes for Apportionable Nonrefundable Credits, TC-40A Part 3

Keep all related documents with your records. You may have to provide this information later to prove a credit claimed on your return.

Nonapportionable Nonrefundable Credits

Nonapportionable nonrefundable credits can reduce your income tax to zero, but any credit greater than your tax liability will not be refunded.

Enter the following nonapportionable nonrefundable credits that apply. Attach TC-40A to your return.

Write the code and amount of each nonapportionable nonrefundable credit in Part 4. Total the amounts and carry the total to TC-40, line 26.

Codes for Nonapportionable Nonrefundable Credits, TC-40A Part 4

Keep all related documents, including credit forms, with your records.You may have to provide this information later to verify a credit claimed on your return.

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