Penalties and Interest

If you are filing your return or paying any tax late, you may owe penalties and interest. To calculate your penalty and interest follow the instructions in Pub 58, Utah Interest and Penalties. We will send you a bill if you do not pay the penalties and interest with your return or if the penalty and/or interest is calculated incorrectly. 


You may have to pay a penalty for not filing your return by the due date, not paying tax due on time, not pre-paying enough on an extension return, and not filing information returns or supporting schedules (UC §59-1-401). The penalties are a percentage of the unpaid tax, based on the number of days late.

The penalty for underpaying an extension prepayment is 2 percent of the unpaid tax per month of the extension period. If the return is not filed by the extension due date, failure to file and pay penalties will apply as if the extension had not been granted.

There is no late filing penalty (including on an amended return) if you have no tax due on the return.


Interest is in addition to penalties due. Calculate interest from the due date (April 15, 2025) to the date paid. The 2025 interest rate is 6 percent.

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